Countries of origin: Worldwide
Hardness on Mohs scale: 7
Rarity: Easily obtainable
Zodiac Signs: Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio
Birthstone Month: September
Chakra: Root
Planet: Saturn
Click here for smoky quartz jewellery and accessories
Smoky quartz meaning
Smoky quartz is a variety of quartz and is often associated with grounding, stability, and stress relief.
Smoky quartz is believed to have healing properties. These include supporting the immune system and aiding in detoxification. Smoky quartz is also thought to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.
Overall, smoky quartz is a versatile stone with many potential benefits.
What does smoky quartz look like?
Smoky quartz can vary in colour from pale yellow to almost black, but it is most commonly a smoky grey or brown. The colour is caused by trace amounts of aluminum.

What is smoky quartz used for?
Smoky quartz has a variety of uses, both in jewellery and in metaphysical practices.
- Rings: Smoky quartz is often used in rings, especially for men's jewellery.
- Pendants: Smoky quartz pendants are popular for their grounding and stress-relieving properties.
- Bracelets: Smoky quartz bracelets are often worn for their calming and balancing effects.
- Earrings: Smoky quartz earrings are a stylish and versatile choice.
Metaphysical practices:
- Grounding: Smoky quartz is often used for grounding and stability.
- Stress relief: It is believed to help reduce stress, anxiety, and fear.
- Clarity: Smoky quartz can help improve focus and concentration.
- Emotional balance: It is thought to promote emotional balance and stability.
- Healing: Some people believe that smoky quartz can aid in physical and emotional healing.
Overall, smoky quartz is a versatile stone with many potential benefits. Its grounding and calming properties make it a popular choice for jewellery and metaphysical practices.
Cleansing and charging smoky quartz
All crystals should be cleansed when you first get them and then regularly after that. They should also be charged to keep them at their full power.
Two of the most common ways to cleanse crystals is with water and with sunlight.
Can smoky quartz get wet?
Yes, smoky quartz can get wet. It is a mineral that is not affected by water. In fact, smoky quartz is often found in hydrothermal veins, where it is deposited from hot, mineral-rich water. In these environments, smoky quartz is exposed to water constantly.
However, it is recommended to remove smoky quartz jewelry before showering, swimming, or doing other activities that involve prolonged exposure to water. This will help to protect the stone from scratches and other damage.
Can smoky quartz go in sunlight?
Yes, smoky quartz can go in sunlight. It is a mineral that is not sensitive to light. In fact, smoky quartz is often used in jewellery and other decorative items because of its beautiful colour, which can be enhanced by exposure to sunlight.
However, prolonged exposure to intense sunlight can cause smoky quartz to fade or lose its colour over time. If you are concerned about the color of your smoky quartz jewellery, it is best to store it in a dark place when not wearing it.
For a more comprehensive guide check out this blog post: How to Cleanse and Charge Crystals
Smoky quartz healing properties
Physical healing properties
- Immune system support: Smoky quartz is said to support the immune system and aid in detoxification.
- Pain relief: It is believed to help reduce pain and discomfort.
- Grounding and stability: Smoky quartz is often associated with grounding and stability, which can help alleviate physical symptoms related to stress and anxiety.
Emotional and mental healing properties
- Stress relief: Smoky quartz is believed to help reduce stress, anxiety, and fear.
- Emotional balance: It is thought to promote emotional balance and stability.
- Grounding: Smoky quartz is often used for grounding, which can help individuals feel more centered and connected to the Earth.
- Clarity: Smoky quartz is believed to help improve focus and concentration.
Metaphysical healing properties
- Grounding: Smoky quartz is often used for grounding, which can help individuals connect to their spiritual side.
- Protection: Some people believe that smoky quartz can offer protection from negative energy.
Affirmations for smoky quartz
Affirmations are a great tool to use alongside crystals. They can be used to set your intention and further personalise your journey of healing and growth. Firstly, decide which of the many properties of smoky quartz you feel is needed in your life at this current time. Next, write down your affirmation as if it has already happening, in the present tense. Remember your affirmation must be positive, for example rather than "I wish I felt less stressed" instead say "I am calm and relaxed".
Here are some examples you can use:

Where do you put smoky quartz in your home?
Smoky quartz can be placed in various areas of your home to enhance its energy and promote well-being. Here are some popular locations:
- Bedroom: Place smoky quartz by your bed to promote restful sleep and reduce stress.
- Living room: Keep smoky quartz in the living room to create a calming and relaxing atmosphere.
- Home office or workspace: Place smoky quartz on your desk to reduce stress and improve focus.
- Entryway: Place smoky quartz near the front door to absorb negative energy and create a welcoming atmosphere.
- Anywhere you need grounding and protection: You can also place smoky quartz in other areas of your home where you feel you need extra grounding and protection.
Remember, these are just suggestions. The best location for smoky quartz in your home will depend on your personal preferences and intentions. Experiment with different placements to see what feels right for you.
What chakra is smoky quartz good for?
The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and is associated with feelings of security, stability, and groundedness. Smoky quartz is believed to help balance and activate this chakra, promoting feelings of safety, stability, and connection to the Earth.
How to use smoky quartz
Smoky quartz can be used in an area of your house or placed within your energy field.
To be within your energy field a crystal can be:
- Placed near you
- In your pocket, wallet, purse or bag
- Worn as jewellery or an accessory
The crystal’s energy will now be working to heal, improve your life.
Another option is to meditate with smoky quartz. You can either place it on one of your chakras or hold it in your hands. This is especially powerful if you have a particular healing property you wish to receive.
Click here for smoky quartz jewellery and accessories
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